My name is Miguel Herraez and I want to transform the Finite Element Analysis field by using Abaqus Scripting

Are you stuck professionally and need an impulse in your skills to have access to new opportunities?

Do you think programming and making simulations is limited to just a few “experts”? Do you think simulation softwares are complicated or hard to understand?

Do you think that you are not good enough in your work and you are afraid of not fulfilling the expectations? Does solving a problem take too many hours of your time?

Are you fed up of wasting time by looking for answers in forums, blogs, videotutorials to learn Abaqus, but you never get to the point?

Do you feel alone when trying to solve your problems because you don’t count on someone who can guide you at critical stages?

I have also gone through these situations and I would like to share with you my knowledge and experience so that you can break through those obstacles really fast.

In 2013, I started a Phd on Materials Science and it was then when Abaqus crossed my path. As I had been told, Abaqus is an incredibly powerful tool, countless possibilities, but mastering it was not an easy task.

Although it was quite difficult at the beginning, ever since I have worked with Abaqus daily and I have developed an exclusive method to help you learning how to use it.

My name is Miguel Herráez, I am an industrial engineer and Phd in materials science.

In 2013, I started a Phd and I felt overwhelmed when I realized how many new things I had to master in such a short period of time. I needed to use Abaqus from the very first day, but I did not know anything about it.

I needed to learn quickly, I didn’t know where to get started and I was running out of time. I spent many days and nights reading, filtering and collecting information to get up to date.

Since that time, I have been working with Abaqus daily, for scientific purposes as well as for industrial projects. This allowed me to develop a unique method to learn how to use Abaqus in an easy and fast way.


Thanks to this methodology, I have achieved further goals than I would have ever expected, and what is more important, I have helped other people to make it real too.

Miguel Herraez, founder and professor of TecnoDigital School, expert in Abaqus, Python and numerical simulation tools
focus on learning abaqus

Learning Abaqus is easy, if you know the right path

Where do I get started?

Whether you are giving your first steps in Abaqus or you are already an advanced Abaqus user, in this site you will find the resources to reach and go beyond your goals

Download the free guide that I have made for you and discover the potential of Abaqus/Scripting


Learn how to transform any idea or challenge into a successful numerical simulation, saving tons of time and getting reliable results


You can learn through my blog, where you will find updated information that you can apply and put into practice


If you don’t have the time and you need results quickly and efficiently, I recommend you to take a look at the consultancy tab

If you have any question or you are just wondering what kind of learning path suits best your needs, please fill up the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible

Where have I learnt and collaborated in my career?
NASA Langley

Visiting researcher

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Post-doctoral researcher


Industrial and scientific projects

University of West Virginia (WVU)

BSc final project

IMDEA Materials Institute

Research assistant

URJC logo
University Rey Juan Carlos


Polytechnic University of Madrid

Phd in Mechanics of Materials

Carlos III University of Madrid

BSc in Industrial Engineering

Who is Miguel Herraéz?

My story of dedication and passion for my profession

Miguel Herraez Abaqus
My name is Miguel Herráez, I am an industrial engineer and Phd in Materials Science. My expertise is focused on the field of computational mechanics simulation with Abaqus and Python
I want to show you what you need to know so that you can materialize your projects and ideas in reliable numerical simulations
When I started to work with numerical models I felt lost, often overwhelmed by the amount of information that I had to learn. However, after countless searching, studying and practising hours, I could master Abaqus and make the best ally of it. If you are reading this, you might be wondering if you will have to spend all those countless hours too, the answer is: NO
Finally, I decided to create a method to teach all these skills as fast as possible!

Time is our most valuable resource, I wonder why we underestimate it so often

With the method that I have designed you, you will not only save a lot of time during the learning stage, but you will save much more time in the development of all your models. I must admit that since I found out how to automate operations combining Abaqus and Python, I have saved thousands of hours, what not only involves the development of much more complex and sophisticated models, but above all, I have had more time to enjoy with my family, my hobbies and to build this project

How far do you want to go?

These skills opened unimaginable possibilities to me. The most astounding was to become visitting researcher at NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, Virginia) to collaborate on a research project developing micromechanical models

Later on, upon completing my Phd I got a post-doctoral position at the Laboratory of Mechanics and Reliability Analysis (LMAF) in the Polytechnic Federal School of Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland), where my research focused on complex failure mechanisms of carbon fiber reinforced laminates

Finally, after all these experiences I made the decision to promote learning of these techniques and tools to everyone who may be interested: from pregrad students, up to experienced professionals looking for complementary skills. This is how this project was born with which I expect I can help all the people who need it

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