General conditions of sale
As stated in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, I inform you of the following information:
– Company name: Miguel Herráez – TecnoDigital School
– ID: 02288702H
– Registered office: Calle Ausias March 8, 46400 Cullera (Valencia)
– Email: contact@tecnodigitalschool.com
– Social activity: training and consultancy
The purpose of these general conditions is to expressly regulate the conditions applicable to the contracting processes carried out by the users (clients) of the online courses, training or consultancies offered by the TecnoDigital School through its website https://tecnodigitalschool.com
These conditions will remain in force and will be valid for as long as they are accessible through the website, all without prejudice to the fact that the TecnoDigital School reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the general conditions as well as any of the texts laws found on said website. In any case, access to the website after its modification, inclusion and/or replacement implies the acceptance thereof by the user.
The client is subject to the general conditions in force at each of the moments of carrying out the corresponding contracting, and it is not possible to contract any service without prior acceptance of these general contracting conditions.
In this case, I inform you that the language for any type of electronic contracting will be Spanish.
The electronic contracting process through the website https://tecnodigitalschool.com will be carried out between the client and TecnoDigital School.
Those people who have registered using the form established with their personal data and have made the corresponding payment to access the courses will be considered clients of the website.
TecnoDigital School reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or by a third party, to those users who fail to comply with these General Conditions.
Consulting Service 1 to 1
The client can access from the website https://tecnodigitalschool.com/consultancy. The price of the service is established based on the needs of the client. The electronic contracting process will be divided into 3 phases:
– First Phase: as a user, prior to contracting, you will have to fill out the contact form found on the website https://tecnodigitalschool.com/contact
– Second Phase: with the data received, TecnoDigital School will study your case to see if it can help you and will inform you of the best way to solve your needs. This process is completely free and without any commitment.
– Third Phase: if the user agrees with the answer offered by Tecnodigital School, they will make the corresponding payment and the consulting service will begin. In the event that the user has any questions about the answer offered by TecnoDigital School, they can contact at any time by email contact@tecnodigitalschool.com
Online courses
The client can access from the website https://tecnodigitalschool.com. The price of the courses already includes the applicable taxes. The electronic contracting process will be carried out through the payment button on the page of the course itself
Payment will be made through any of the following means: Visa/Mastercard/American Express/Paypal/Bank transfer. The user must provide the name of the cardholder, number, expiration date and CVV.
All the information will be processed through a payment gateway external to the TecnoDigital School called Stripe (https://stripe.com/es), Paypal (https://www.paypal.com/es/home) and Hotmart (https://hotmart.com/es).
TecnoDigital School makes available to people who deem appropriate an affiliate program that has no other purpose than the dissemination and promotion of the online courses published on the website in exchange for a commission for each sale made.
TecnoDigital School will choose whoever it deems appropriate and pertinent to obtain affiliate status. TecnoDigital School will offer a link to the AFFILIATE in order to identify the latter’s website and the origin of the payment in the event of a transaction being carried out through the use of an AFFILIATE link, being subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
For each sale made as a result of the affiliate program, a commission of 25% of the price of the product will be paid with taxes included, discounting the commission of the platform with which it works.
The commissions are accrued when the 14 days that the student has to make effective his/her right to refund the purchase have passed.
It is strictly prohibited to make use of the personal license by a user other than the one that has been granted, otherwise, you will lose the status of “Affiliate” from that moment, prohibiting entry to the restricted access area, reserving as many legal actions to assist us in the interests of to purify responsibilities before a possible crime against Intellectual property, punished with prison sentences by our Penal Code of up to 4 years.
TecnoDigital School is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein (for example, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, combinations colors, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.). All rights reserved.
Any use not previously authorized by TecnoDigital School will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.
The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without authorization, are expressly prohibited from TecnoDigital School.
The client undertakes to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by TecnoDigital School. You can only view the elements of the web, without the possibility of printing, copying or storing them on your computer’s hard drive or on any other physical support. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages of TecnoDigital School.
Joint or piracy, an illegal practice carried out by several people who come together to acquire a service or digital product, are strictly prohibited. In this case, it would consist of paying for the online course by a single person, with several people accessing the course with the same email and password.
We remind you that it is strictly prohibited to share the license for use with more people. Each license is personal and non-transferable, reserving as many civil and criminal actions that assist us in order to safeguard our rights, all under penalty of committing a crime against the intellectual property of art. 270 and ss of the Criminal Code, with prison sentences of up to 4 years.
The customer is recognized the right of withdrawal (money refund) of the purchase made. If you are not satisfied, you may request a refund of the amount paid within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the purchase of the product in any of its modalities.
In order to carry out said return, the client cannot have consumed a percentage of the course greater than 20% of it.
The right of withdrawal may be exercised by email sent to contact@tecnodigitalschool.com, requesting a refund of the amount paid, which will be made within 14 calendar days from the date on which such communication was made.
We reiterate that it is excluded from the right of withdrawal or return of the
money after the supply of digital content when the execution of the course by the user has already exceeded 20% of it, the client knowing that once this figure is exceeded they will lose the right of withdrawal.
TecnoDigital School cannot guarantee the technical continuity of the website, the absence of failure or interruptions of the service or the availability of the website for one hundred percent of the time due to causes beyond the control of TecnoDigital School or fortuitous causes and/or force majeure that cause the total or partial impossibility of providing the services as well as other unforeseeable causes such as the incorrect functioning of the internet.
All information provided during the contracting process will be stored by TecnoDigital School in its capacity responsible for the file. In the same way, and unless the client has shown their express opposition, the user expressly consents to the processing of their personal data to send information of interest, news and offers on products and services through any means, including email.
To unsubscribe from sending advertising communications, you can do so by sending an email to contact@tecnodigitalschool.com. You can direct your communications and exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition through email: contact@tecnodigitalschool.com together with valid proof in law, such as a photocopy of the D.N.I. or equivalent, indicating in the subject “DATA PROTECTION”.
The dissolution of the service contract can occur at any time by either party.
The user is not bound by conditions of permanence with TecnoDigital School if he is not satisfied with our service. Likewise, TecnoDigital School may terminate or suspend any or all of the contracted Services immediately, without prior notice or liability, in the event that the user does not comply with the conditions set forth herein.
Upon dissolution of the contract, your right to use the Services of TecnoDigital School will cease immediately. The following will be causes for dissolution of the contract:
– The falsity, in whole or in part, of the data provided in the contracting process of any service.
– Alter, circumvent, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or alter in any way the security technology provided by TecnoDigital School.
– Abuse of support services due to the requirement of more hours than those established in the contract.
– Any breach established throughout the conditions.
The dissolution implies the loss of your rights to the contracted service.
The language of this contract is in Spanish
The relationship between TecnoDigital School and the client will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any controversy will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, unless the applicable Law provides otherwise.
You are also informed that there is a conflict resolution platform created by the European Union and signed by the Member States, and you can use the following link http://ec.europa.eu/odr.